About us

The Association for Bat Conservation Tragus grew out of enthusiasm of a small group of biologists who, through their knowledge about bats as a key bioindicator in nature, wanted to dedicate their work to exploration, protection and promotion of nature as a whole. This task, however, is no mean feat! Bat research requires having technical skills, putting in many sleepless nights, overcoming demanding types of terrain and possessing extensive knowledge of ecosystems bats are found in. All that has been posing great challenges, but has also been giving us great pleasure since 2007, the year Tragus was founded. The number of active members has grown over the years as has the significance of our expert experience, especially that in the field of nature and environment protection. Our members’ hallmarks are diverse knowledge spanning different professions, from technical to creative ones, and the desire to do as much as possible for the conservation of bat species and their habitats through research, protection of their habitats and roosts, and particularly through the education of a wide range of people on the importance of bats in nature. And that is the main reason why we are here: to pass on our knowledge, familiarise you with the activities we undertake and show you the curiosities we come across in our work with bats.

The official information about our association as well as our statute can be found in the Registry of Associations of the Republic of Croatia (text in Croatian).

Name: Association for Bat Conservation Tragus (in Croatian: Udruga za zaštitu šišmiša Tragus)
Headquarters: Planinska ulica 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
PIN (OIB): 96579362258
IBAN: HR4724020061100605220 (account at Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., Croatia)